Newsletter Editions

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Newsletter Editions

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Winter/Spring, 2023

Current Issues

»  Barbara Boxer: An Oral History

»  Two New Board Members – Shayne Del Cohen and Peter Vorster

»  New Webmaster – Dora La Flora Czifra

»  New Intern – Kaz Mendoza Rodriguez

»  Carriage House Salon with The Matlock Duo

»  OHA Partners in Presentation Awards

»  Upcoming Events

»  2022 Pardee Home Christmas Tree

»  EBMUD is Celebrating 100 Years in Service

Summer/Fall 2021


»  The Pardees, Pandemic, and Trilby

»  Two Friends of the Pardee Home Remembered Us in Their Wills

»  Marilyn Diane Beach Obituary

» Helen “Peggy” Stackable Obituary

» Pardee Home Improvements & Repairs

»  The Garden at Pardee Home Museum

Spring/Summer, 2020


» The Pardee Family and the Chinese in Northern California

»  Gum Moon: A Novel of SF Chinatown by Jeffrey Staley

»  Upcoming POWER Event

»  New Board Member—Sue Bachman

» New Board Member—Dennis Evanosky

»  The Tragic Death of Carol Pardee and the Pandemic 100 Years Ago

»  Pardee Home Museum and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Winter/Spring, 2019

»  The Cameron-Stanford House

»  Sarah Kidder Joins Pardee Board

»  Pardee Home Maintenance

»  The Power of Tea

»  Women Pioneers in Oakland: The Afternoon Carriage House Salon continues!

»  Museum Directors Note, with Sadness, the Passing of Two Outstanding Trustees

»  Ned Brandt – Obituary:

»  Ron Pardee Nielson—Memories

»  Pardee Home Museum has Table at the SF History Days at the Old SF Mint

 Spring/Summer, 2018

»  Historic Homes of Oakland—
The Peralta Hacienda.

»  Wedding Receptions at PHHM

»  Pardee Home Gala Celebration

»  Summer Musical Delight

»  POWER 7th Annual Delilah Beasley Tea

»  BAHHM Meeting at PHHM

»  Advisory Board Established for PHHM

»  An early photo of the Pardee Home circa 1880

Fall/Winter, 2017

»  The Old and New Governor’s Mansion

»  Pardee Museum to Host Sesquicentennial Celebration

»  PHM Will Be At SF Mint’s History Days!

»  Molly Fierer-Donaldson New Board Member

»  A Major Painting Project

»  The Queen’s Recipe for Drop Scones (Scottish Pancakes)

Spring/Summer, 2017

» The Dunsmuirs, The Hellmans, and The Pardees

»  New Board Member—Charlotte “Charly” Taylor

»  Pardee Historic Home Museum Receives Grant from United Airlines

»  New Board Member—Gloria Taylor

»  Erika Mailman to Visit PHM

»  Stan Stidham’s Recollections of the Pardee Family

»  6th Annual Delilah Beasley Tea

Fall/Winter, 2016

»  Governor George Pardee Nomination—

»  Meet Our Talented New Helpers
»  Kyler Svendsgaard
»  Jay Morgan Crawford

»  Helen and the Merry Tramps

Spring/Summer, 2016

»  Earthquake Governor and Earthquake Mayor: Oakland’s Dynamic Duo

»  Hear Here (Pardee Home) Hans Gallas Talk about Their “There” (Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas)

»  Pardee Home Museum Annual Fourth of July Patriotic Picnic

»  Pardee Garage-Parking Opportunity

»  Introducing New Board Member Richelle Lieberman

»  Introducing New Board Member Wayne Marzolf

»  Our Teas Aren’t Just for Ladies Who Wear Purple & have Red Hats

Fall/Winter, 2015

»  George Pardee (1857-1941) and Francis (Frank) Mott (1866-1958)

»  Oakland Masonic Lodge No. 188 Hosts Grand Lodge of California at the Pardee Home Museum

»  Other Recent Events at the Pardee Home Museum

»  Treasure Hunting at the Pardee Home Museum




Spring/Summer, 2015

»  The Myth of Pick-Handle Pardee

»  Family Fun on July Fourth

»  4th Annual Delilah Beasley Tea

»  The Times They Are A Changin’

»  Thank You to Members and Volunteers at PHM

»  Tom Doctor

»  It’s Not Just For Tea Time

»  Gift Shop Blooms with New Items

Fall/Winter, 2014

»  Governor George Pardee and President Theodore Roosevelt: Preservation of Yosemite

»  3rd Progressive Oakland Women for Empowerment and Reform (POWER) Event at PHM

»  Introducing New Board Member: John Matzger

»  Gov. George Pardee at Oakland City Hall in 2014!

»  Happy Birthday, Earl Grey!

»  Gov. George Pardee Christmas Letter to Ron Pardee Nielson’s mother, Augusta


Spring/Summer, 2014

»  Elias Samuel Cooper, Levi Cooper Lane, Enoch, and George Pardee,The Doctors Four

»  Family Fun on July 4

»  Stan Stidham’s Recollections of the Pardee Family

»  PHM’s Cupola Gets A Facelift

»  2nd Edition of A Grand Tour of PHM by David Nicolai Is Now Available

»  Meet Our New Trustee—Michael Henn

»  Meet Our New Trustee—Mavis Perry

»  “Let It Be White Again”

»  Marianne Robison Retires from PHM Board

»  Upcoming Events at the Pardee House Museum

Fall/Winter, 2013

»  Pardee Family Dressmaker

»  Politics, Plague, and Pardee

»  The Pardee Garden Venue

»  Tour and Tea Price Increases

»  Restoration Projects

»  Catalina, the Pardee Home Museum Cat,
in Her New Home

Spring/Summer, 2013

»  A Most Atypical Gold Miner, Enoch Pardee (1827-1896)

»  Surprise Birthday Party in Garden a Huge Success

»  New Docent—Cynthia Foster

»  Shady Activity at PHM

»  YELP Raves for Pardee Tea

»  Filoli Field Trip, May 3, 2013

»  “Seeing the Elephant”

»  Family Fun on July Fourth!

Fall/Winter, 2012

»  The Yosemite Chandelier

»  Meet Our New Trustee: Cherie Donahue

»  P.O.W.E.R Garden Party Benefits Girls Inc.

»  Fall Events at PHM

»  PHM Toffee—Rave Reviews

»  The Perfect Gift

Spring/Summer, 2012

»  Hats, Hats, and More Hats!

»  Street Sign Replaced at Home of EBMUD Founder

»  The Story of George and His Fish

»  Introducing Two New Trustees

»  Garden Bench Dedicated in Memory of Bill Baldwin

»  Pardee Home Benefits from Gifts

»  The Pardee’s Neighborhood (Part 2)

»  “Occupy” Oakland with George Pardee

Fall/Winter, 2011

»  112 Years of the Pardee Women

»  Parlors & Politics Event

»  Meet the Tea Ladies: Dawn Muller and Molly Kenney

»  Ghost Investigations Continue at Pardee

»  Restoring the Picket Fence

»  Halloween Festivities—Fun for All

»  Watch Your Language

Spring/Summer, 2011

»  July 4th Celebration at the Pardee Home Museum

»  Ghost Investigation at the Pardee Home Museum

»  10,000 Steps in Oakland

»  A Touch of History—California Poppy Day

»  The Pardee’s Neighbors

»  Drs. Pardee—Sportsmen

»  Appreciation Celebration

»  Projects Update at PHM

Fall/Winter, 2010

»  A Kids Thanksgiving at the Pardee Home

»  Halloween Celebration, Sunday, October 31, 1:00–4:00 PM

»  Deanna Lyon, Board Chair, Stepping Down

»  A PHM Volunteer Couple—Ann and Steve Brown

»  A Touch of History—Enoch Pardee’s Charity

»  PHM Holds Its First Jazz Concert

»  China Update from David Nicolai

Spring/Summer, 2010

»  The Practitioners Pardee—Part 1: Enoch Pardee

»  Upcoming Events—June, July, August

»  Sue Dunton: Quilter Extraordinaire

»  Two New Board Members

»  Get To Know Jose!

»  A Touch of History—Pardee Family Transportation

»  The Practitioners Pardee—Part 2: George Pardee

Fall, 2009

»  Halloween Celebration Announcement—October 31, 2009

»  Tours and Teas—now available!

»  Creative Volunteers update gift shop; new Docents trained for tours.

»  David Nicolai—report from China

»  New members of the Board of Trustees

»  July 4th Celebration a success

»  Thanks and Appreciation to all of our donors

Spring, 2007—Special Double Issue

»  Pardee and the 1906 Quake

»  Different takes on Gov. Pardee in two important new books—A Crack in the Edge of the World by Simon Winchester and The Great Earthquake and Firestorms of 1906 by Philip L. Fradkin

»  The story of Pardee Lowe, namesake of the governor and 1906 earthquake refugee to Oakland

»  Carleton Watkins and the Yosemite chandelier: a photographer’s incredibly rough shake

»  Winter concert featured tribute to Pardee; “Phoenix Tree” also highlighted holiday season

»  Two earthquake relics that traveled across the bay last year—and two that stayed home

Spring, 2006

»  Did Dr. Pardee write his memoirs? The Knave said So.

»  100 year old Fan found among Helen’s Treasures

»  Summary of great events at PHM—July 4, Halloween, Japanese Holiday, Book readings

»  PHM making progress on cataloging its enormous collections

»  Introducing…the Green Canoe Room!

»  100 Years ago with Governor Pardee

Summer, 2005

»  Upton Sinclair pays a visit to the Pardee Home Museum

»  Major improvements to Poppy Porch Gift Shop

»  News of the Museum’s Board of Trustees

»  BAHA Tour and ASFCA Reception highlighted the Winter Season

»  Preservation Month celebrated on May 15th

»  More information about the Chronicle Building and Its Pre-earthquake tenants, Doctors Pardee and Morse

»  100 Years ago with Governor Pardee

December, 2004

»  Repainting of the main house, Gardens restoration Phase II, and Completion of Landmark Place Transform a City Block

»  “George Did It”—A Witty Enconium to Pardee

»  House Events during 2004

»  Museum Featured on “Evening Magazine” in October

»  Pardee Home Transformed into Hollywood Set in March

»  Highlights of the Museum’s Collections

»  Billiard Table Restored with Grant from Questors’ Club

December, 2003

»   Book Reading by Ishmael Reed Highlights the Holiday Season

»  One Hundred Years Ago in California: The Pardees Move into the Governor’s Mansion

»  Museum Staff and Volunteers Participate in Living History Day at the Governor’s Mansion

October, 2003

»  Fourth Annual Halloween at the Mansion Will Spook out Oakland on October 31st

»  One Hundred Years Ago in California: Pardee at Play and at Work, from Big Basin to Ogden

»  A Letter to the Editor: More on Oakland’s Sara Lemmon

»  PHM Trustee Ned Brandt Has Resigned, and His Seat Has Been Taken by Lisa Gerstacker

»  Death of Long-Time PHM Treasurer Marion Reich

July, 2003

»  Gertrude Stein Event and Music Recital Bring Front Parlor to Life in Recent Months

»  One Hundred Years Ago in California: Governor Pardee Hosts President Roosevelt

»  Registrar Vicki Wiese Joins Staff at Seymour Pioneer Museum

»  Peter Palmquist Killed in Emeryville Accident in January

»  PHM Trustee Frank Howard Dead at 74

March, 2003

»  100th Anniversary of Pardee’s Inauguration Celebrated in Grand Style at the Museum

»  One Hundred Years Ago in Sacramento: The Pardee Inauguration Was Grand!

»  Woman’s Will Produces Oscar Wilde at the Pardee Home

»  Spotlight on Oakland’s Sara Lemmon, the Poppy Champion

November, 2002

»  Special Issue: One Hundred Years Ago…

    Republican George Pardee Narrowly Elected California Governor over Democrat Franklin Lane.

    This issue focuses on a detailed look at the fascinating gubernatorial campaign of 1902 and also includes in-depth profiles of Pardee and Lane and a unique statistical profile of California in 1902.

July, 2002

»  May 4th Sesquicentennial Celebration and July
Fourth Picnic Highlight the Season

»  PHM Board Welcomes Four New Trustees

»  Museum Receives $30,158 California Heritage Grant to Help Achieve Handicapped Accessibility

»  Lois and Nick Sarley Brighten Our Gardens

April, 2002

»  Enoch and Mary Pardee—A Gold Rush Romance

»  February Groundbreaking for Landmark Place Condominiums

»  Mayoral Correspondence Among Our Most Valuable Archival Holdings

»  Museum Will Offer Plaque Unveiling and Mayoral History Exhibit to Celebrate Oakland’s 150th Anniversary on May 4th

January, 2002

»  150 Years Ago: Argonaut Enoch Pardee En Route to California

»  Halloween Mania at the Haunted Mansion Preceded Gold Rush Holidays

»  Museum Director Attends Prestigious Seminar at Colonial Williamsburg

October, 2001

» The Ghosts Will be Out for the Second Annual “Halloween at the Mansion” on October on October 27th!

»  Garden Party, Fourth of July Picnic, and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Highlighted the Summer Season at the Pardee Home

»  Phase I of Gardens Restoration Completed

»  “An Oakland Metaphor: Hidden Treasures, the Pardee Artists”—Current Exhibit Highlights Famous Artists from the Demolished Pardee Building

»  Karen McKinney Marks Three Very Active Years as Museum Volunteer

July, 2001

»  An Appreciative Look at the Architecture of the Pardee Home Museum

»  William C. Hoagland and John J. Newsome: Architects of the Pardee Home

»  Sources on the Architecture of the Pardee Home

»  Italianate Villas in the Region—Past and Present

»  FAQ’s about the Pardee Home’s Architecture

»  Pardee Home to be Featured in Upcoming Book Victorian Glory

April, 2001

»  Pardee Home to Honor Oakland’s 149th Birthday

»  The Tragic Deaths of Florence and Carol Pardee

»  Victoriana…Not!

»  “Yours for Justice and Equality”—The True Story of Susan B. Anthony’s Inscription to Governor Pardee

»  Reroofing of Pardee Home in Underway

January, 2001

»  Introducing…The Cupola

»  PHM Wins Another Prestigious Federal Grant

»  Museum Director to be Featured Speaker in Palo Alto

»  PHM Treasurer Marion Reich Retires After Many Years of Service

»  Autumn Evening Events Fill the Pardee Home with Holiday Spirits

September, 2000

»  Pardee Home’s Second Annual Fourth of July Picnic Was a Tremendous Success

»  Cheryl Maslin—Intern and Volunteer Extraordinaire

»  PHM Welcomes Three New Trustees

»  The Seveth Day Adventists—Early Neighbors of the Pardee Family

June, 2000

»  Mayor George Pardee’s Fight with the “SP” Over Access to the Oakland Waterfront

»  Museum Receives Prestigious Federal Grant

»  Second Class of SFSU Interns Records Great Progress in Catloging Our Collections

»  Board Chairman Stan Stidham Personifies Seventy-Five Years of Pardee Home History

March, 2000

»  Pardee Home Museum Announces $12,000 Grant from Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust to Begin Grounds Restoration

»  Volunteer Profile—Phyllis Brislawn

»  Tree Adorned with Shoe Trees Highlights 1999 Holiday Season at the Pardee Home

»  Pattillo and Garrett Associates

»  And Just Who Was Stanley Smith…Anyway?

Winter, 1999

»  PHM Announces $250,000 Grant from Michigan’s Gerstacker Foundation

»  Renovation of Lafayette Square Park is Becoming a Reality

»  Definitive New Guide to Western House Museums Published

»  Further Words from Jacob Soares, African-American Aid to Governor Pardee

»  “Playthings of the Pardee Family” Exhibit Opens at the Museum

»  Oakland and Alameda School Children at the Pardee Home

November, 1999

»  Exhibits at Three California Museums Highlight Treasures of the PHM Collections

»  The Ebell Society and the Pardees at the Forefront of Oakland Culture

»  How Palo Alto’s Pardee Park Came to Be: A Strange and Little-Known Saga

»  Rebirth of Pardee Home’s Neighborhood Continues

June, 1999

»  A New University Molds a Youthful George Pardee

»  Mary Lou Malone Dies at Age 73

»  Collection Management Interns Catalog 1200 Objects!

»  Helen Pardee and the Merry Tramps

Summer, 1998

»  Governor Pardee and Yosemite National Park

»  EBMUD Exhibit, Video Celebrate Seventy-Five Years of Service to Region

»  Museum Staff Enjoys a Busy and Productive Summer at the House

»  Purses and Bags on Exhibit

»  The Misses Pardee at Mills College

»  Comings and Goings at the Pardee Home

Winter-Spring, 1998

»  Pardee Home Declared California Historical Landmark!

»  Beautiful New Curtains Grace Dining Room and Front Parlors

»  Two 1997 Holiday Receptions Were Great Successes

»  The Pardee Home Foundation Welcomes Two New Trustees

»  Richard Guy Wilson Visit

»  Earl Warren Holiday Cards Highlight Pardee Home Exhibit

»  Recipes from the Pardee Home’s 1997 Holiday Open House

Fall, 1997

»  Jacob Soares: Messenger to Governor George Pardee

»  David Nicolai is New Museum Director

»  Vicki Wiese Joins Museum Staff

»  Pardee Home Enjoys Day in the Sun

»  News from the District

Summer, 1995

»  “Growing Up Invisible”—Auguatino Dance Theater

»  Oral Histories—Stan Stidham

»  Work Committees Added to the Board

»  Museum News: Grants, Docent Class, “Windows on Broadway”

»  Board Notes: New Member Michael Fink, Carl Gerstacker Obituary

Fall, 1994

»  “The Witching Weed” exhibit features pipes and smoking artifacts

»  Archives Spotlight—Dr. Pardee Interviewed

»  Museum News: Grants, Docent Class

Spring, 1994

»  Valentine’s Day Event Illuminates Early Pardee Courtship

»  Gerstacker Foundation is presented with plaque

»  Watkins Lamp Prominent Feature at Pardee Home

»  Fantastic Fandango of Fabulous Fans!

»  Museum News: Grant, Caretaker Retiring, Docent Class

June, 1993

»  Northwest Coast/Eskimo Display

»  Chap Record from Carol Pardee

»  George Pardee and Oakland’s Water Supply

January, 1993

»  New Display in Billiard Room

»  Janet Pigniolo Joins Staff

»  Docent Class

October, 1992

»  New Director, Melissa Rosengard

»  Exhibit Changes

»  Enoch and George Pardee Meet Abraham Lincoln

»  Museum News: Docent Class, Parking

June, 1992

»  Dining Room China

»  Growth of Oakland’s Population

»  List of Volunteers

News & Events


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Beginning 2009, The Cupola is written by Ron Bachman, Kay Cheatham, Ann Brown and other board members or volunteers and is laid out by Russell Nelson. Between 2001 and 2007, The Cupola was researched and written by museum director David Nicolai, and was laid out by Erika Mailman. Between 1997 and 2000, The Newsletter was produced by David Nicolai and known simply as the Pardee Home Museum Newsletter, as it was between 1994 and 1995, when it was produced by museum director Melissa Rosengard, and between 1992 and 1995, when it was written by Heidi Casebolt. No issues were published in 1996 or 2008.

For stories about the Pardee Home published elsewhere, please see PHHM in the News.